Corona is accelerating the shift from 'Brick and Mortar' stores to online and remotely. According to Graydon, there is an unusual increase in the number of new webshops in the Netherlands.

Still, there are a number of risks. In the dropshipping category, it is sometimes an unpleasant surprise that the relatively low intervention of the entrepreneur established in the Netherlands nevertheless entails full liability.

For webshops that want to meet the sudden need for face masks and hand sanitizers, there is a risk of higher purchase prices, receipts of orders that follow later or are not even delivered anymore, while demand can also decrease just as suddenly.

Fiscally, there are also some things to be said for tax purposes. The government measures for entrepreneurs are for companies that started earlier. Starting during this pandemic is therefore extra risky.

It is precisely in these times that it is a matter of assessing risks. The space to make mistakes is smaller than before due to a declining economy with a growing number of bankruptcies.

In my experience, in many cases a non-committal telephone call of 5 minutes at an early stage later can prevent the need to perform 5 hours with this invoice.

Are you planning or have you recently started a company in online commerce or services and would you like to discuss your situation? Please feel free to contact me: Mr. Sepehr Yadegari. The phone number is: 020 – 244 3900.

de heer mr. Sepehr Yadegari

Als advocaat gespecialiseerd in aankooprecht maakt hij zich hard voor cliƫnten die een miskoop doen. Hij zorgt ervoor dat ze terugkrijgen waar ze recht op hebben. Dat ze schadeloos gesteld worden. In sommige gevallen betekent dat een reparatie van hun product. In andere gevallen een volledige ontbinding van de koop.