Today, on, the message appeared that the UWV has started to check the first round of the NOW (Temporary Emergency Measure Bridging Employment).

On 6 April, employees of the UWV will look at the applications that came in when the NOW 1 counter opened. Reuters

Employers have the task of submitting an application for a final determination. In that application, the turnover in the period of the first NOW round must be from 1 March to 31 July 2020.

Many of the final applications are expected to differ from the provisional applications. After all, entrepreneurs had to estimate the expected decrease in turnover. The degree of reduced turnover determined the amount of the compensation in the wage costs. At the time of the provisional application, it was also not foreseen that the aid measures subsequently announced were included in the turnover. As a result, the turnover actually to be counted is higher, resulting in a reduction in the compensation in labour costs.

Would you like to apply for a final determination? Or have you, perhaps not now, received the decision from the UWV later and are you receiving a refund of overpaised amounts? Call (020 – 244 3900) with lawyer Mr. Sepehr Yadegari and discuss your situation and the possibilities to come to a more favorable decision for you.

de heer mr. Sepehr Yadegari

Als advocaat gespecialiseerd in aankooprecht maakt hij zich hard voor cliƫnten die een miskoop doen. Hij zorgt ervoor dat ze terugkrijgen waar ze recht op hebben. Dat ze schadeloos gesteld worden. In sommige gevallen betekent dat een reparatie van hun product. In andere gevallen een volledige ontbinding van de koop.